“Let the watchmen now lift up their voice, and give the message which is present truth for this time. Let us show people where we are in prophetic history, and seek to arouse the spirit of true Protestantism, awakening the world to a sense of the value of the privileges of religious liberty so long enjoyed.”
Testimonies for the Church 5:716. ChS 163.1
- Living with the End in Sight – Part 2Knowing God As we are preparing to meet the Lord coming in the clouds with thousands of His angels, and before that to face persecution, we must know God, and have a relationship with Him that can withstand the greatest attacks the enemy can throw our direction. One of the best weapons Satan uses is […]
- Living With the End in Sight – Part 1Be ye separate As we watch events take place in the world, and in our own communities, we cannot deny that the final days are upon us. Signs are rapidly fulfilling. There is little left of unfulfilled Bible prophesy pointing to the end of time. The end is truly now in sight. Considering this to […]
- It’s Time for Revival and ReformationThe world is changing rapidly, and with each change we are reminded how near the second coming of Jesus is. With that prospect before us it is of utmost importance that we do all we can to be ready. As I look around me in the church and at my own self, I can see […]
- Coronavirus as “Nature’s Response”Many are questioning where the coronavirus pandemic came from. Was it caused by man? Was it created by someone developing a biological weapon? Was it a fluke of nature coming out of a “wet market” in China? During the nearly universal shutdown, to control the spread of the virus, the Pope had an interesting interpretation […]
- It’s Time to Prepare!As we watch events transpire around us, do we get a sense of despair as to our lack of readiness for the end of time and the return of Jesus? If we do, that’s good! This is no time to feel secure in our preparation for the trials of the end times. To be […]
- It’s Time to Wake Up!Attention fellow believers, who, like myself, have been looking forward to the final events leading to the second coming of Jesus. We normally view these events as something taking place in the distant future, involving a law to enforce a global sabbath, other than the Sabbath God sanctified at creation. My message to you is […]
- Paris Thoroughfare Closed To Vehicles On SundaysFaced with the prospect of climate change that could bring devastation to their homeland, nations and municipalities are searching for solutions. Many around the world have been advocating mandatory Sunday rest as a solution to the problem. Paris is the latest to adopt this approach as reported in the article below, from Paris launches […]
- Startling new insight into the Pope’s visit to Congress in September 2015This new evidence seriously raises the question, is a universal environmental Sabbath in the near future? As I have presented in the program “An Overwhelming Surprise” evidence is mounting that suggests this may be upon us very soon. Until recently it has been speculation as to whether an environmental Sabbath would result from all the […]
- An Overwhelming Surprise Part 1 – The Surprise UnfoldsTo all my fellow believers who are looking forward to the second coming of Jesus, I have a very serious and exciting message for you today. The time has arrived for us to take a new look at the events we are soon to confront, which involve the enforcement of a Sabbath by the world, […]
- An Overwhelming Surprise Part 2 – The Surprise ContinuesAs we continue our investigation into the overwhelming surprise, let’s look at some Spirit of Prophecy statements that shine more light on Sunday laws and the environment: “In the last scenes of this earth’s history, war will rage. There will be pestilence, plague, and famine. The waters of the deep will overflow their boundaries. Property […]
- September 2021 (1)
- March 2021 (1)
- April 2020 (3)
- March 2020 (1)
- May 2016 (1)
- March 2016 (1)
- August 2015 (5)