It’s Time for Revival and Reformation
The world is changing rapidly, and with each change we are reminded how near the second coming of Jesus is. With that prospect before us it is of utmost importance that we do all we can to be ready.
As I look around me in the church and at my own self, I can see a great need. We are not what we should be if we want to greet Jesus with joy and not fear. Much work must be wrought in us and it needs to be done without delay!
“Christians should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise, and this preparation they should make by diligently studying the word of God and striving to conform their lives to its precepts…. God calls for a revival and a reformation.”
Prophets and Kings, 626
“A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work.”
The Review and Herald, March 22, 1887
The definition of revival and reformation is: “To restore to life or consciousness.” And “To make changes in something in order to improve it.” How can we apply these processes to our lives?
For someone to need reviving they would generally be either dead or near death. This raises a serious concern, those needing revival may be awfully close to spiritual death (or the grieving of the Holy Spirit).
When someone is near spiritual death something needs to be done and done quickly, before it’s too late.
My occupation brings me in contact with people who die or are near death. When people are near death, except in some cases of terminal illness, everything is done that can be done to revive them without delay. In the same sense, when someone is near spiritual death something needs to be done and done quickly, before it’s too late.

How many of us are living in a state of spiritual near death? How many of us are receiving just enough of the bread of life to stay alive but without the vibrancy of a healthy spiritual life? In other words, are we just feeble spiritual beings, barely living up to what we believe? We would probably be shocked to know the answer.
The next question is, what is causing this deplorable condition? One simple answer is that our enemy Satan is “going around like a hungry lion,” doing all he can to cause the loss of as many of God’s children as possible. Now for the more important question, how is he doing it?
One major obstacle to our having the spiritual vibrancy we need so much is that we are so wrapped up in our lives we have little time for spiritual matters. Jesus knew this would be a problem. He addresses the issue in the following text.
“Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.”
Luke 21:34
Satan does not always work in obvious, dramatic ways, just like our habits that, though seemingly small, can gradually diminish our health to the point of near death before we realize what is happening. Sometimes the things he uses are not harmful when used wisely. He then tempts us to overuse or over consume to the point of it being a sin or causing harm. A few examples are: food, exercise, work, housing, clothing, entertainment, vehicles and a multitude of others, along with fears, worries, and the desire for status and esteem of others.
These items, alone or in combination with others constitute the “cares of this life” mentioned in the text above. When we are tempted with the things of this world, let us instead focus on the life of Christ as referenced here in these inspired quotes:
“Learn to believe, as you pray to God for help. Practice self-denial: for Christ’s whole life on this earth was one of self-denial. He came to show us what we must be and do in order to gain eternal life.”
Signs of the Times, August 24, 1904
“I also saw that many do not realize what they must be in order to live in the sight of the Lord without a high priest in the sanctuary through the time of trouble. Those who receive the seal of the living God and are protected in the time of trouble must reflect the image of Jesus fully.”
Early Writings Pg.71
You will probably agree with me, this is easier said than done. I do not claim to have all the answers, but several thoughts came to me as I pondered the situation, we find ourselves in. Considering the “cares of this life” that consume so much of our time and attention, we greatly need to learn to prioritize. None of these things are important enough to lose eternal life over.
A good place to begin with is to value everything based on its eternal worth.
Nearly everything we struggle with, or worry about, lose sleep over, and overwork for will be only a memory in the new earth. There will be plenty for us to do but, “the cares of this life” will not be among them. Therefore, a good place to begin with is to value everything based on its eternal worth.
“The Savior saw that men were absorbed in getting gain and were losing sight of eternal realities. He undertook to correct this evil. He sought to break the infatuating spell that was paralyzing the soul. Lifting up His voice He cried, “What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26. He presents before fallen humanity the nobler world they have lost sight of, that they may behold eternal realities. He takes them to the threshold of the Infinite, flushed with the indescribable glory of God, and shows them the treasure there.”
Christ Object Lessons, Pg. 106
If we are to be revived it will happen only through the working of the Holy Spirit. This is what God wants for each of us, we are the only thing that can keep us from that goal. Only our refusing to hear the Spirit calling, or refuse to follow when He leads, can hinder our revival. We must be revived!
Why is it that we do not hear or refuse to follow when we do? One of the biggest reasons is probably that we are not happy with what we hear. Either we think we have a better idea or plan, or we think we do not need to change anything, thinking we are better than we really are. Many have a problem of not being in the driver’s seat. But Jesus made it clear that pride leads to a downfall, and humility is to be desired.
Our best example is that of a shepherd and his sheep. Jesus is the shepherd; we are to be the sheep. If we are to have the Holy Spirit’s leading and be led through the process of revival we must be like sheep. Just as the sheep yield to the direction and leading of the shepherd, we must yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading. We must pray for that leading. The 23rd Psalm should be our theme song.

When we stubbornly must have our own way, we will become like a lost sheep. That is a terrible situation to be in, even more so if we are not aware that we are becoming lost.
Maybe we don’t trust the Shepherd. If this is so, most likely the reason is, we do not know him. If so, we need to spend every minute we can learning who He really is. The life of Jesus as presented in the New Testament should dispel any doubts about His and His Father’s loving kindness and should remove any doubt of His willingness to do anything to win our hearts and obedience. There is a favorite illustration of mine that I think fits very well with the theme of knowing Him.
I heard a story of two shepherds leading their flocks who met on the journey and while talking the flocks became combined. When it came time for them to depart the shepherds each called their flocks to follow. At which time the flocks separated, each following their shepherd. An observer asking how that could happen, was told that the sheep know the voice of their shepherd. We need to be so close to Jesus that we, as sheep, know His voice and are not tempted to follow another shepherd.
We need to be so close to Jesus that we, as sheep, know His voice and are not tempted to follow another shepherd.
I mentioned earlier that many want to be in the driver’s seat; illustrated often by preachers as having God in the position of co-pilot. “God is my co-pilot” they say. Sounds rather good, but should God be second in charge? He needs to be the pilot of our lives, if He is not, we are in trouble. Give up, and give in. Turn it all over to God, let Him be in charge for a change.
We are dealing with issues and challenges daily that we are not capable of overcoming on our own, and as time goes on it will get even worse. He is willing and waiting. If we persist in being in charge and doing things our way, we will eventually lose.
Now about reformation. If the Holy Spirit gets through to our consciousness and we are inspired to a new level of spirituality, a new consecration, a new desire to be like Jesus, will things remain the same in our lives? If it is a true revival, things will change. Our focus and priorities will be changed to be in harmony with God’s will. No more business as usual.
Things of a spiritual and heavenly nature will take priority over “the cares of this life.” Things that are temporary and earthly will no longer demand our attention. We will be preparing for transition to a heavenly home. A better life.
When Jesus returns and takes us to live with Him and gives us a new home, the things that comprise so much of our lives now will no longer exist. In that new life our time will be occupied with activities and objects of an entirely different nature. It would do us well to develop a mind set that embraces that idea. Shifting priorities and time usage to encompass a new reality, and then live accordingly.
Things are changing rapidly in this world. Satan has been working behind the scenes, as it were, to make things so that we could be totally surprised with what we are to confront in the last days. Now is not the time to relax into a state of complacency, feeling that our condition is far better than it really is. We may be in a state of spiritual near death. We must let the Spirit revive us. Now! Before it’s too late.
We must let the Spirit revive us. Now! Before it’s too late.
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