It’s Time to Prepare!

As we watch events transpire around us, do we get a sense of despair as to our lack of readiness for the end of time and the return of Jesus? If we do, that’s good! This is no time to feel secure in our preparation for the trials of the end times.
To be self-confident is to feel no need for further preparation; to be stagnant in a state of self-deception. We are in danger of seeing our condition as better than it is. It is of a certainty that those most prepared for the close of probation and the time of trouble will never feel that they truly are ready.
This is no time to feel secure in our preparation for the trials of the end times.
I believe that many of us going about our lives, which includes going to church every Sabbath and participating in the worship service, feel secure in our readiness for the trouble to come. After all, haven’t we known about the test and trials to come and are ready to face them with confidence, knowing that we are standing on a firm foundation established years ago. Yes, we have, but that is no guarantee that we are prepared for the days ahead. The Scriptures tell us that there will be “a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation”. Daniel 12:1
That doesn’t seem to bother us very much; or we just stick our heads in the sand and pretend it’s a long way off and we’ll not be around when it comes. Our points of reference to trouble in the world come generally from history, the worst of which come from the pages of Scripture: the flood, the plagues in Egypt, persecution of God’s people in different ages accentuated by the 1,260 years of Papal persecution, not excluding the world wars and disasters of modern days. These have all come and gone and civilization has survived. Our world today is often reduced to rubble by tornados, earthquakes, and hurricanes but within a relatively short time everything is repaired or replaced and very little remains of the disaster, except for the pain and sorrow.
The final time of trouble, according to Scripture, will overshadow even the worst of these. At that time Satan will persecute and test God’s people like he has never done before. This is his last best effort to overcome the Remnant, and gain control of the whole world.
The purpose of this article is not to focus on the time of trouble when the seven last plagues are falling. If we are ready when this time comes nothing that happens will change our destiny. My focus and our concern are with the early time of trouble just before the great time of trouble. This is a time fraught with dangers, deceptions and confusion.
The people of God will face the ire of the entire world. As a law enforcing universal Sunday observance is put into effect, supposedly for the purpose of saving the earth and caring for the poor, they will be labeled traitors and fanatics. They will be slandered and ridiculed like no one else before them. The world will be united on an issue considered necessary for the well being of everyone, a work that is good and apparently Biblical.
Are we prepared to face that challenge? A small group of people, known to be different, against the whole world. Every means to change our minds will be employed. There will be lying wonders and pressure from fellow believers, who are deceived regarding the issue, and how it fits the picture of what we have expected the law to be.
Considering the magnitude of the challenges we face it would be foolish to think we are prepared. Time is short and as these quotes from the Spirit of Prophesy remind us, to delay could be disastrous:
“Those who delay a preparation for the day of God cannot obtain it in the time of trouble or at any subsequent time. The case of all such is hopeless”.
Councils for the Church p. 258
“In the time of trouble, just previous to the coming of Christ, the lives of the righteous will be preserved through the ministration of holy angels. Those who come up to that trying time neglecting to obey God’s commands, will have no security of their lives. Angels cannot protect them from the wrath of their enemies while they are living in neglect of any known duty, or express command of Jehovah.”
1 Spirit of Prophecy p.176
Preparation for the time of trouble is also preparation for the second coming of Jesus. As part of our work of preparation we must know the Lord we are expecting and rely on for our protection and salvation.
Preparation for the time of trouble is also preparation for the second coming of Jesus.
We need to know the One we are looking for to deliver us from this wicked world. We can do that only with the aid of the Holy Spirit, spending time communing with Him in prayer, and by digging into the Word as someone looking for buried treasure, going deep, instead of skimming across the surface.
In other words, we need a different relationship with our Lord than what seems to be the norm these days. As we face challenges one after the other, our faith needs to be exercised, and like physical exercise our faith will grow stronger. When the whole world is against us, we will need a strong faith to see us through.
The times we live in are already challenging, days slowly creeping along, seeming to get no closer to the end, it is difficult to maintain our unique character as the church of God in the remnant of time. Repeatedly the church is asked to accept changes that make us more like the world, rather than to retain our peculiar character, separate from the world.
As the final crisis approaches a large group will depart from the faith, unwilling to face the scorn placed upon the obedient, this will be the shaking we have been told about. If we see a need to change our behavior and work toward being prepared, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, we will not be included in the group shaken out. Those not shaken out will receive the seal of God.
“I also saw that many do not realize what they must be in order to live in the sight of the Lord without a high priest in the sanctuary through the time of trouble. Those who receive the seal of the living God and are protected in the time of trouble must reflect the image of Jesus fully.”
Early Writings p.71
The remnant will receive special help at that time in the form of the latter rain of the Holy Spirit, but that power is not automatically delivered to everybody. There are conditions…
“I saw that none could share the “refreshing” unless they obtain the victory over every besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and over every wrong word and action. We should, therefore, be drawing nearer and nearer to the Lord and be earnestly seeking that preparation necessary to enable us to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord. Let all remember that God is holy and that none but holy beings can ever dwell in His presence.”
Early Writings p.71
So, as we strive to be like the world and receive their approval lets pause for a moment and consider the consequences. There will come a time when it is too late to obtain the help we need. The last few dominos are being put in place right now and soon the first will be tipped over, followed by a cascade of events in rapid succession, culminating in the time of trouble and the second coming.
“’AWAKE, thou that sleepest,’ awake now! ‘Seek the Lord while he may be found,’ seek him now! “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,’ believe now! Confess to him your sins, ask pardon through his blood, rely on his atonement, implore the help of his Spirit, devote yourself entirely to his service! Do it now! ‘Strive to enter in at the strait gate’ now! Offer the prayer, ‘God be merciful to me a sinner’ now! Too much time has been wasted already. Lose no more. This may be your only opportunity. Seize it now!”
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, September 15, 1859, p. 134
“This may be your only opportunity. Seize it now!”
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